
And this is exactly why “artificial esports,” games that are developed from the ground-up to be a marketing vehicle for themselves with professional leagues controlled by the developer, are a terrible idea. As if OWL hasn’t proven it enough times already.

Have some faith in your own IP WotC.

there is something wrong with race swaps of established and clearly defined characters.

I can hear in the distance the collective outrage of “I’m-not-racist-but” crybabies rambling about them not being the center of their fantasy plaything anymore.

Because Nintendo has an obsession with their games maintaining a “pure” experience. They get really pissy about exploits and cheats. Even in single player games.

And the WGA’s grievances are legitimate, because the studios aren’t just “underpaying.”

This is your daily reminder that the only power people have over their employers is the one they exercise collectively, as a union. That power is the reason we have safety regulations to make our workplaces safe to work in. It’s why we have 40-hour work weeks and (used to be) unconditional overtime pay. It’s why

Keep up the fight WGA!

It’s also not as simplistic as calling the police on black people because sometimes that’s actually the right thing to do. Certainly, if you witness a stabbing or a shooting, then yeah, call 911.

I’m begging you to shut up. Your endless series of rhetorical sarcastic questions is mind-numbing.

Why is an asian woman taking about the plight of white women?

I mean, yeah, preschool graduation isn’t exactly earth-shattering, but Hunt’s on the right track here. Nebraska has about a billion REAL problems these people should be fixing, not least for their own grandchildren who presumably will have to live and die there. And instead, they’re wasting their time on this nonsense.

The entire F&F franchise is about ALPHAS tryna out-alpha each other. Every fight scene, every sex scene, every family scene, every light comedy scene. And I can only imagine what the BTS looks like trying to make a franchise like this work with all of those personalities.

I don’t think it’s dumb to be skeptical. I had to think about it, and my brain dredged up “Water is good for blocking radiation” so I double checked that - also it’s an F&F movie, the assumption here has to be more that they got this right by accident than intention!

You’re not the only one who was taken in by her.

Something tells me it has more to do with fairly inexperienced kids and young adults being told of potential raises that never come and not realizing that they’re going to be expected to work like they’re getting paid commission when they aren’t, all while under constant threat. Seems like you just like to complain

I don’t think it’s that people are surprised by their pay when they get hired.  It’s more that they can’t live with constant inflation without their pay increasing.

You’re really into games and you think it can’t possibly be as bad as everyone says it is. Some people actually thrive working for shitty people at shitty companies. There will be almost always be high turnover but there’s going to be those few people who just don’t seem to mind it. It’s bizarre, but I’ve literally

Employers are like strippers during a lap dance; they’ll encourage you by insinuating there will be more all day, but it never comes.

In 2021, there was an article that posited she was positioning herself to be the nominee in 2024, or that she was going to primary Biden. I love seeing every minute of this. She actually had the power to make peoples’ lives better and chose not to do so. The worst.