
You should be fucking ashamed for lacking even basic empathy.

Schrodinger’s Dickhead: Someone who is either joking or not joking depending on how upset the audience becomes.

Honestly could care less about an edgelord’s redemption story. I hope that whatever momentum or promise their career had withers on the vine, as a cautionary example to other young creators that the juice isn’t worth the squeeze when it comes to racist ‘humor.’ It’s 2023, nobody doing a racism is doing it because of a

As a consumer, I hope there’s human labor behind my purchase.

I mean, I get that much of late stage capitalism is a money-laundering scam, but I remain surprised by people who can continue down roads like these and not think “holy fuck, I’m going to go to jail.”

we are only able to ballpark what [Alameda’s] balances are…

I’m not cheering for Disney’s success, I’m just celebrating Ron’s failures.

Then why isn't the baby in the hospital now? If the child is in legal custody of someone other than her parents because they wouldn't admit her to the hospital, then why hasn't that happened yet?

I wish there was a general legal blowback for patent trolls, if the average american can fall victim to the bullshit of the “three strikes rule”, there should be something like this for repeated offenders of patent trolling, the consequences should ramp up.

The villain should’ve been the DVD manufacturers that Dom’s crew were stealing from.

They didn’t “go up against Florida”. They released a bare minimum statement that disaproved a discriminatory law, after weeks of protest by their own employees.

I’m OK with the idea of Wick being alive, but I’d rather believe this is a good enough excuse for Reeves to finally be Spike Spiegel like he always wanted.

This looks so damn bad I don’t even know where to start.

I mean, I respect the effort, but the people I trust least on earth to follow through on their threats are whales. Not to cast too broad or too harsh a net here, but I think we all kind of understand that F2P whaling tends to be pathological behavior. You don’t drop plural stacks grinding up a waifu because You Can

Well, partially because Sony isn’t buying up major publishers and then making their games platform-exclusive, at least not yet.

Quick correction to this part of the article: “He had reportedly been arrested for these charges and pleaded guilty to two counts in October of that same year.” He pleaded NOT guilty to the two counts. The current version makes things very confusing.

I mean, it’s exactly that. Exclusivity for everything has always been their plan; there was literally no reason to buy up all the IP otherwise; this is just execs getting pissed off that they’re not getting their way instantaneously and saying the quiet part out loud because for the first time in probably decades

This seems like a tacit admission on MS’ part that after the 10 year guarantees they’re signing to try and get the deal across the finish line expire, they are in fact going to do all the things that people are afraid they’re going to do (Xbox exclusivity for COD, etc.)?

hey quick question: what the fuck are you talking about

Let’s break this all down: