
The sum of laid off workers annual salary equaling a tiny fraction of the CEO’s pay is nauseatingly gross and happens an equally nauseatingly gross number of times. Very very sad. I wish all those impacted the best.

This quadruple sucks. Jess is great and brought back some of the analytical energy Austin brought with him during his short tenure and while the spirit was different, the new GB crew was doing cool things. Jason Oestreicher who was a great presence too also got fired, which is triple fucked up because the man is quite

Speaking of ‘Cancel Culture,’ I wonder how many games have just been canceled by Microsoft’s layoff culture >_>

Being disliked because of your personality, views and actions isn’t cancel culture, it’s just people not liking you or your work. It’s a part of the package deal of making something to entertain people. There’s is a chance you suck so much that people don’t like your work anymore. That’s just consequences.

Fascists don’t want free speech; they never have. They want their speech, and nothing else. The “free speech” cries are just a smoke screen, proven by their constant conniptions and mass reporting of anything which upsets their super snowflake sensibilities.

FarRight MAGA chuds: Freedom of speech man, it’s like really important. You can’t tell youdont like me saying something because that is censoring my freedom of speech.

Alternate currencies in games need to be illegal. There is literally no benefit, it exists only to manipulate people and confuse how much your spending.

The issue is you are paying $70+ for a new game and they’re locking some of the content behind another pay wall. personally I don’t care so long as it’s only cosmetic but I can see why a lot of people get frustrated with it as it feels like they’re being nickel and dimed after already paying a hefty premium for the

It’s not only depressing how many people want all of the art in their lives to be churned out by a machine but that these same people think that AI makes art “better” or its an “advancement” that the field needed or asked for

Several points

“According to you, AI is both gonna be used to replace artists, but also incredibly bad. Which is it?”


It seems to me like a great tool for good artists to speed up their work.

i could put 100 coats over the top of it and id still know it was a cursed space

You say you’re an artist, and then you say these things work like artists work. So either you’re not an artist (which, I won’t call you a liar) or YOU in fact do not understand how they work.

How an artist works:
-view other art, other parts of life, their surroundings, their experiences, create a “database” of memories

I think the end goal should be to have all the existing training data expunged and the algorithms only be allowed to be trained on data that the company that owns them have the rights to. The AI isn’t an actual brain, the owners can delete what it knows.

Curtail? No, they’re pretty clear in their statement that their goal is that AI development must adhere to some form of ethics. Not that it must be halted. I don’t think anyone sees it as an inherently bad thing, but as with all new technologies, reckless usage cannot be allowed to cause harm just in the name of

this is where you are wrong, artist do studies for a reason to study not sell in mass production. You know the problem for an artist is if they straight up plagiarize? they get blacklisted if they want to work in the animation/film/video game industries. And they can be sued for copyright infringement which happened

Spoken like someone who has never attempted to learn any skill or craft in his lifetime.

Yeah, except it’s not creating unique stuff, because AI “art” is completely dependent on having pre-existing art in its database to copy from. It can’t make new ideas, it just reinterprets old ones (and the result is usually worse than the original.)