
I’ve been intrigued by this game since it’s release, but it’s always seemed like a typical f2p money grab (and in the beginning, it kind of was). I’m glad I sat it out though, I just jumped into the game and it’s been a lot of fun just soloing around and playing around with the climbing mechanics and seeing how far

I realize I am in the minority, but I can’t stand GTA online. For me, the game is the single player story. Those who feel like I do were let down by Rockstar because they added nothing to the single player experience.

I guess that’s where the money is, but playing GTA Online was one of the worst experiences I have had

This just screams Krieger from Archer...

Sounds like the AI might take jobs away from real, hardworking assholes. 

The sentiment of actually caring about Damar is completely lost though, and that is the only thing anyone should be mentioning about that moment.
There are different levels of bad, this was close to worst.

For what it’s worth, his work in the WWE has been very impressive. The quality of his matches far exceeds that of the usual celebrity crossovers. He may be obnoxious but no one can really question his dedication and work ethic when it comes to wrestling.

Since it’s easier on everyone to just pick a uniform, I can only assume she (like some of these brides you mention) is too cheap to pay for uniforms for the staff. Much better to make them buy their own clothes that conform to a bunch of vague paint colors.

I mean in terms of metrics that matter on Twitter, she bodied him pretty good. Her quote tweet has over 1 million likes and 200k retweets compared to 130k likes and 9k retweets.

ok Andrew

Shit person going to jail is good. As a black man, go f yourself. Clown ass.

*waits for you’re usual corny ass response...Dumbfucka”*

Yesterday I made a comment on another article saying that Democrats would have to be at least minimally competent to keep the Senate in 2024, and that pissed some people off.

Unreal.  Find someone to love you as much as Democratic elites love making it impossible for anything progressive to ever happen ever.

AI art being inevitable doesn’t mean they way it’s integrated in our life/work can’t be done better. It CAN be changed, it just that this (your?) exact mindset leads to shying away from the responsibilities...

These artists posted art before AI art became a thing, so they did not exactly expect their work to be

AI art is here and it isn’t going away.

AIs don’t “take inspiration” from ANYTHING. That’s the difference. You’re humanizing an algorithm. They literally steal the characteristics of an artist’s style and then overlay it onto other styles like a fucking connect-the-dots to reproduce something *unique* but as much as mathematically possible in-the-style-of

why is it only seemingly visual artists getting hot and bothered by this stuff?

Go differently, perhaps. But AI art has been influenced and even propped up by the same people shilling for NFTs; the same ones all for stealing art and calling it their own for different means. One thing they have in common is the absolute disdain, antipathy, and envy towards people who have a passion for drawing,

Funny, I remember a year ago hearing the exact same thing about NFTs.

This is the Epic way. Feign interest for the users/consumers while in reality working for the interests of corporate.