
Homeboy went off on Twitter, yesterday. It was a thing of much beauty.

But also you seem to exist in this space where you can dislike a movie and still recognize what someone was trying to do. I happen to like Last Jedi and I’m underwhelmed with what I’m here about the Rise of Skywalker because it does feel pandering. I think the Mandalorian strikes a good balance - easter eggs for the

No, it’s not nonsense. I’m not saying TFA isn’t entertaining. I’m saying it didn’t aim high. Like someone else said, TFA is a rehash. It’s not not art.  It’s just lazier.

It is. But it doesn’t mean that the person who did something else - something a tiny bit uncomfortable (I mean, let’s be real - it’s not like The Last Jedi is von Trier’s Antichrist) - is horrible, or even bad at their job. It just means they didn’t deliver the comforting experience you were looking for. 

One of my coworkers tried playing the “oh, it was originally a pagan symbol so...” card, but I cut him off with “Asbestos wasn’t originally meant to tear up people’s lungs. That doesn’t change the fact that it very much DID.”

He is not delusional. Want proof? Look at where he’s displaying this crap-in front of an elementary school that is 60% non-white.

If you weren’t aware, the “OK sign” has been co-opted

That GIF never gets old.

They were playing the circle game? Okay then they should get a punch for looking, ain’t that right Richard Spencer?

There’s this stupid game racists like to play that’s the intellectual equivalent of “I’m not touching you”. It’s basically saying and doing shit that’s clearly, undeniably racist, but because they didn’t explicitly drop the N-bomb or say “I hate black people” that they can somehow defend their behavior in some

Fascists and racists are fucking cowards. Anything less than 8 on 1 and they run. See: every fight with Nazi skinheads at punk shows. Those dudes are SOFT. 

I saw it in the article clip with sound off, and all I could say was “Yikes.” Duplo-brand Rocky better learn to cover up. But I hope he never does, if he’s going to continue to be a horrifying racist asshole.

This was my take as someone who thought TFA was comically dumb and boring with paper-thin characters. And if anyone is shitting on the original trilogy it was Abrams glibly resetting the empire [now with 5 lasers!]. TLJ took Abrams’s Diddy-esque remix of the original trilogy and made a real song out of it. I mean,

Luke’s father killed a temple full of kids.

That side-quest was not a failure. It inspired a new generation of force wielders to fight the First Order as seen in the final shot of the film.

“when a major theme of the movie is spouted by the villain, you might be doing something wrong”

I kind of like it. I feel because so much the early response to the movie was so toxic that all conversation about TLJ became uninteresting and was about the commenters and not the movie. Which is a shame because there was a lot to chew when it comes to TJL. I am in the group of people who prefers TFA to TLJ, but

Phrasing it that way makes it seem like the movie behaved as a didactic scold. It completely answered the questions, and did so through the same adventure storytelling the movies have always done. Some folks may have not liked the answers, but that’s more a product of preconceived ideas than any failure of the movie.

I go the other way. The fact that JJ Abrams has issues with The Last Jedi only confirms my feeling that it’s a masterpiece.

I loved the subversion of The Last Jedi. I loved the headfake with Snoke. The combined Rey/Kylo fight was great Star Wars choreography. Luke as a burned out hippie who lived to see everything he dedicated himself to be twisted back on itself is a logical outcome that was have real world examples of. Saying Rey’s