
As soon as I clicked to purchase Spider-Man, the price changed to $19.99.  I did not know Amazon sales end at 5:04pm, that’s an unusual time.

As soon as I clicked to purchase Spider-Man, the price changed to $19.99.  I did not know Amazon sales end at

Pinnacle weapons like The Mountaintop are so useful in Player-vs-Environment play that players who normally shy away from competitive Player-vs-Player Crucible modes are trying to stomach it just to get the weapon.”

Man, I was really hoping & praying Spriggan ( Seirei Senshi Spriggan ), would be included.  I was never a shooter fan, but for some reason loved that game!

There aren’t enough well wishes in the world to send.


On Playstation I couldn’t get on. I have to play in offline mode. So the issues may not be console specific.

You need to let us know what console you’re on. I’m one of those players who stopped because there’s nothing left to get, but there’s a ton of games I ignored while Destiny was happening. There’s plenty of people like me who can shake the rust off and help if you need it. Also if it is Wrath you’re doing, it can be

It’s still going to ‘bug’ me that they borrowed from Miles, but didn’t use Miles.

I’ve said they should make Legends of Tomorrow two shows one season. First half it’s the Legion executing their plan, 2nd half Legends dealing with the ramifications. Then Legends dealing with a newer threat next season, the Legion then capitalizing on the Legends distracted. Thus we could spend more time with

My favorite thing was if you were on right after the update, those link buttons didn’t work! Bungie/Destiny, don’t you go changing!

Having that Navy Seal’s wife up there to ‘spotlight’, forever keeps 45 from looking ‘Presidential’ to me. That galls me to no end, combined with his inability to take responsibility like every President before.

You’d think it would be very simple. The symbol we used forever for poison was Skull & Crossbones, as well as for pirates.

When it was revealed that the nazis is some of us ( loud white guys ), it became a bad thing for some.

Oh, so Bureau of Public Affairs: Public Liaison and Intergovernmental Affairs is the modern day term for “black drivers” from the ol’ days.

“According to law enforcement officials, a safe in Ancona’s home had been forced open with a crowbar and emptied, and all of his firearms were gone. They do not suspect burglary.”

What this former fan says, is that supply drops don’t resonate with me.

White genocide = The “itis” of mass killings. It’s a casual when and if we get to it kind of genocide. So worry now, worry later, worry whenever.

One thing that has been driving me nuts since seeing the first episode... Was it ever stated that Bruce Wayne was some business savant? To me it was always hammered home that Lucius Fox was the business mind. Which would make me think there has to be a story about Emily finding out the book isn’t actually written