
And you don't want to know what you have to do to get hep-z.

Somewhere there's a scratch-off lottery ticket with the future owner's name on it...

Damn... beat me to it.

Maaco actually used to have promotional cars that were half-repainted that they would take to local car shows, etc. This is a much fancier version of that concept.

You win.

It's like a scrotum with wheels... awesome!

The perfect car to drive to a night out at the Gothic Castle.

Mike could get that thing for a "bag of sand".

All the fiddly stuff that would be involved in getting this car properly sorted would add a lot to the (already high) purchase price. As much as I like the 99, a later 900 Turbo would be a much better driver, and just as cool, for less money. Crack-ish.

SBC swap, baby.

This... but only if you use it to tow your wood Chris-Craft.

If it were Florida, it would have been a chick. Probably driving a Sunfire.

Fifteen grand. No A/C. Wind-up windows. Dubious provenance. Wheels that would look more at home on a four-cylinder Mustang. All the E30 Touring goodness in the world can't save this one from the pipe.

I was back and forth on this until I read the part about getting a free bag of cereal marshmallows with the purchase of the car. Seriously- it's right there in the ad. So nice price- do you know how many boxes of Lucky Charms you'd have to buy to get a whole big bag's worth of cereal marshmallows? It's like getting

Go all the way, dude- LeBaron turbo woody!

Pretty scary that this was almost the Mustang.

"Lust" might be too strong a word, but I really liked these back in high school. My mom had a turbo Lancer and I thought that the Daytona with the intercooled engine was the shit. Is it wrong that I still kind of like this?

Look at that. Now this. Now back at that. If you can't design a car that's supposed to look like a '60's concept 'Vette that looks anywhere near this good, you shouldn't even try.

If I could get my boss to call me a "fruit" I might be able to afford this. To hell with the new kitchen.