
I hate voting Crack Pipe on this car, as I've always had a soft spot for E21s, but there's just no way. It's too spartan for street use, too nice for a track car (and what happens when you break that rare Europe-only engine, anyway?) and too expensive for a toy. It's just all wrong, with a price to match.

Couldn't agree more. Good one.

I love that I had to wait for the big Lexus banner ad to go away before I could read this...

At any auto auction these days you'll see cars like this- cars built during the fiberglass-and-billet salad days of the nineties whose owners have moved on to whatever it is that old rich people do once their midlife crisis is safely past them. I have no doubt that this car cost a fortune and that it's probably worth

I can't believe the company that brought us the Aztek and the Rendezvous passed on the opportunity to unleash something this hideous on the masses.

If he keeps running on asphalt without good running shoes he's going to wind up with shin splints or something.

File this one under "you get what you pay for"- Nice Price. Plus, I'm a sucker for silver paint with a red interior.

I test-drove one of these new back in '98. I thought it might be a fun little car, and it fit within my limited budget at the time. Talk about an exercise in disappointment- I couldn't wait to get back to the dealership and hand the keys back over. On top of it, the sales guy seemed to think that I actually loved the

why is the guy in the yellow's ass on backwards?

With a built 302 swap, would it still be ironic? Do Want.

Now that was a great read. Thank you very much, sir.

Methinks Jeff might be a bit of a douchebag. He deserves a scratched-up hood.

At the "Ferraris on Fifth" car show a month or so back, there was a guy there with a Mercedes 300SLR replica. The car was painted maroon, with a tan naugahyde interior and those nasty '70's spoked "wire" wheels. The placard the guy had with his car talked about the racing history of the SLR, the rarity of the car, and

For Christ's sake. Chrysler is trying to make the best of a bad situation with the 200- first by jettisoning the Sebring name with all its plasticky rental-can baggage and then by improving the platform as much as possible without breaking the bank. Is the 200 the ideal solution for all Chrysler's woes? No, but it's

Finally, something that doesn't look good in Gulf livery!

I think the "14" needs to be a little bit bigger. Other than that, we're cool.

Coming soon to your local Pep Boys: Swirly matte black camouflage stripes.

If there were such a thing as a $14k Caddy, this would be the one. Unfortunately, however, there's no such thing as a $14k Caddy. Crack Pipe.

Note to self: buy eggs Sunday morning... lots and lots of eggs.