Beat me to it. Probably the prettiest American car of the '60's.
Beat me to it. Probably the prettiest American car of the '60's.
Beat me to it. Probably the prettiest American car of the '60's.
The Pagani is "interesting" to look at... fixed it for you.
I wonder if it would be possible to backdate this with the chrome bumpers from the early cars. It might help the looks somewhat.
Jesus Christ. It's supposed to be a picture of an Aztek, folks.
@superveloce: That's what a lifetime of poor decision making will do to you.
@Wolc: That's just awful.
@Boxer_4: Ewww. It IS worse with the top up.
@Sokkelo: derp.
It's actually the first half of a comparison test. Next month she's going to wreck a Rolls Phantom Coupe.
@ShibbyUTman: That's what happens when you let them wear shoes.
Just say non to crack, kids.
@jaymcminn: Dammit, Nibbles!
@LoganSix: Worst... commercial... ever.
@LoganSix: Worst... commercial... ever.
My Crack Pipe vote has less to do with the car itself and more to do with the owner... I can't exactly put my finger on it, but the guy's ad comes across as more than a bit douchey. Perhaps it's the way he refers to the car as a "rat rod" or his assertion that "illness forces sale" but a nice fishing boat would help…
@RalphieDC: When you put it like that, it's actually kind of awesome.