This deserves all the stars. Fuck Bernie Sanders.
This deserves all the stars. Fuck Bernie Sanders.
I agree with this 1000%. I’m a Sox/Bruins/Celtics fan (jumped off the Patriots bandwagon after the league’s hypocrisy on deflategate and CK), and he’s been an embarrassment for years. He’s become what he beheld, recycling the same takes and grudge. It’s the exact same reason he ridiculed Dan Shaughnessy and Ron…
It really should be titled Uncanny Valley: The Movie.
Well, you dismissed it as a “bullshit” reason to stop watching the NFL. So, hard pass.
This is why I stopped. The rest of your reasons are bullshit (“Waaah, the throw-ball-man likes a republican”)
You know, you could always not watch NFL football. I was a Patriots fan growing up. Around 2016 or so, I realized I was one of those obnoxious “EMBRACE THE HATE”-meme posting shitbags.
Bernie should be #1 on this list. Sit the fuck down. And for god’s sake shut your stupid, elderly pie-hole.
That’s Jared Leto in Fight Club, you Philistine!
It’s clear from Watchmen, that he didn’t understand those characters either. You were supposed to find the violence abhorrent. Snyder choreographed and filmed it like it was a ballet.
“The Killing Moon” is another good choice. Overwrought lyrics and an overwrought delivery make it a fun sing-along. Weezer really should have covered this song. Or “Age of Consent”.
I think of Phil Donahue, and I immediately hear the late, great Phil Hartman’s voice saying “LET’S blame it on the LESBIANS!”
Which will make the next Suicide Squad weird.
I bet Michael Caine’s quote about Jaws 3 applies to Joe Mantegna: “I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific.”
Schumer sucks, but, what exactly is a “New York-centric approach to Trump”? What are some examples?
I’m glad someone mentioned The Pogues. I know this is really Eric Bogle, but Shane and Liam Clancy really kill me every time they sing it:
Of course, it’s company policy to never imply ownership in the event of a dildo. We have to use the indefinite article “a” dildo — never “your” dildo.
And neither he, nor his selfish cohort of rich baby-boomers give a wet shit. Since they’ll all be dead before it starts happening in earnest.
Jesus Christ, this dumb old fart can’t fuck off fast enough.
I reported that second tweet as hate speech. Unlikely Twitter does anything about it, but it made me feel better. I suggest more people do the same.