
Has anyone seen, read or heard anyone from the military (active or retired for that matter) that they disagree with the kneeling?

If you admit that the Clintons are quite less than sainted

You live in this tiny bubble where any information that implies the Clintons are less than sainted gets filtered out.

I made my points pretty well about the Rothschilds

Aha - Reductio ad absurdum. The conspiracy theory’s best friend. Nowhere did I say that Hillary was perfect. Accusing her of the same scale of corruption as Trump, while dragging in the non sequitur of whatever your point is regarding “the Rothschilds”, is officially the realm of crazy talk.

I wasn’t sure if this was satire, but the tangent about the Rothschild’s sold the bit for me.

My eyes are sweating, now. Thanks.

I agree with the thrust of your post. However, I don’t think the concept of “mandated reporting” existed in such a robust form at that point in time. At least not with sexual abuse. The idea that a certain community would be ambivalent about reacting to such behavior in a high-performing principal in 1979 passes the

I get that the thick, 1970’s Urkel eyeglass frames and goofy mustache are supposed to “ironically” suggest a pedophile. But it’s obviously not just a costume for this pig.

“Politically incorrect comedy” is tv-promo-speak for “lots of obvious jokes about sex and/or bodily functions”.

My favorite response:

Nice. Mocking her career choices. After they were arguably limited by the fact the she sued this giant piece of chewed bubble gum rolled in cat hair.

Won’t someone please think of the old white guys? They’re the victims here!

Now playing

Why? Mainly because it came from the same guy who performed this number:

Now playing

I’m sure the guy who did this song that same night is a great soldier in the fight against sexism in Hollywood:

That seems like an overly generous interpretation of the joke.

How Harris came to be a wanted man in this situation was not made public, but the Charlottesville police promised that there would be an explanation following the arrest.

The last 25 years of Woody Allen’s career illustrates why “coasting on one’s reputation” was invented as a term. He’s easily one of the most wildly overrated artists of my lifetime (mid-40s).

Megyn Kelly is pretty much the embodiment of all things that society is sick and tired of.