
The charge will likely be dismissed because NYC has more important shit to deal with than this stuff. If this managed to get heard by a judge, the judge would probably walk the guy through “This was stupid and you won’t do it again, right?” But I doubt the DA office will have any desire to pursue this guy. His

No, ignorance is never a defense. The defense he would claim based on your legal argument is that he was wrongfully charged. If you can prove you were charged with the wrong crime, it doesn’t matter if you were guilty of another crime- the incorrect charges get dismissed.

First off, yes, he is the most important America. If Obama or Bush or whichever President (or VP) wants to shut down the 280 for an hour, it’s their prerogative as the most powerful person in our country. Perks of the job.

Oh, even better, he can change his flight plans AND dinner plans to suit you. Are you for real? I can’t tell.

True. If it were, everyone would be guilty at one time or another. But if you commit a crime (trespassing, obstruction, assault, rape, murder- doesn’t matter) you can’t use ignorance as a defense. And this dip shit wasn’t just guilty of being ignorant. He was stopped and charged accordingly.

This isn’t that uncommon in the recent areas I have lived- dense with Asian college students (in the SF Bay Area and/or near good universities). Say what you will about their driving, but they almost always apologize (at least non-verbally) for their driving errors; their many, many driving errors.

Right?! Didn’t any of these people take driver’s ed? They covered the proper escalation of violence protocol right after they showed the Red Asphalt videos.

LOL. The President- no matter what your political affiliation- should never have to worry about your commute when flying into “your” town. “Hey Michelle, tell Biden I switched our AF1 flight time to a red eye, so I don’t delay TahoeSTi from getting home this evening.”

Ignorance is not a defense.

I want to ponder why bicyclists don’t believe the rules of the road don’t apply to them. But then I remember that there are plenty of drivers stupid enough to try the same BS, if they somehow managed to get passed the first road block like this dip shit must have.

Haha. I’m just messing with you. I always thought all cars from the 80s looked generic, mostly because they all shared the square headlights. But the Hitler ‘stach black grille, as you pointed out, was very prevalent, too.

Spotting the amber running lights on the inside of the headlamp was always a good way to I.D. a possible Crown Vic/Police Cruiser, but other FoMoCo models shared the same inbound amber light design, so that method occasionally provided false positives.

Good catch.

For decades- into the early 2000s, I believe- Honda Motorcycles only had 6 key templates. If you have a Honda Motorcycle key, you have about a 17% chance of starting whatever Honda motorcycle you come across build from the late 80s(?) through the early 2000s.

I heal-toe as in the diagram, but not as exaggerated of an angle. Big toe and ball of foot on brake, and right side of heal on accelerator.

Seriously. It’s the sludge that’s keeping things from leaking!

Holy hell that ad is a blast from the past.

Pftt. I can do that. I just don’t want to.

Regarding the $300-400 tires: Is that “I didn’t know I could buy tires from anyone other than my dealer” pricing, or “This Aston has the weirdest tire size that only comes in one snow tire and one street-legal track tire compound”?

Don’t you have to replace a bunch of fuel lines/pump, etc, to support E85 without damaging the fuel system? I have zero experience with E85, so I could be wrong.