
Since when do you need to be able to “back it up?”

I drove a Panamera 4S once and thought it was WAY too sporty of a ride. Even putting the suspension in it’s softest setting, it felt as stiff as an R8. I don’t want a full size luxury sedan to ride like that; at least not in it’s softest setting.

This. This is why I love the Internet. Thank you for sharing this treasure.

That dude is obviously in good shape and suuuuper light at 138 lbs, so I’d bet he could bust out a solid 20-25 real pull-ups (without tearing up his hands). But it’s weird watching people counting off these as legit reps.

I was 197 lbs and 30-ish pounds overweight when I started working out. I used negatives and hangs to start. It was literally only one week of that before I was able to do a clean pull up. From there, I was up to 4 pull ups in a couple more weeks. My reps kept climbing up until I plateaued at 10 reps.

There’s no accounting for taste.

I was probably also in college, buying a brand new Tacoma I couldn’t afford.

Also, get insurance quotes before buying a Civic. The Civic, historically, is so damn expensive to insure, your overall cost of ownership will almost certainly be lower buying a more expensive TSX or Accord (if we’re sticking with Honda products). This was my exact experience when my wife replaced her 2008 Civic

Leases make way more sense on luxury brands than on economy brands.

Perhaps the mirror image of the R6 is so the company (charging $259 for a helmet light) doesn’t have to pay Yamaha for the use, but it bothers the hell out of me.

1) given that the majority of judges are male, you have made it clear to me it is a safer bet to hire a male attorney- good advice.

I can with 100% certainty the FR-S will not receive these updates.

Damnit, elvisizer! By talking trash about Mondials to me, you just gave me Internet Herpes!

Lifehack for hobos:

Audi quattro, because racing.

Trash talking Mondials is the Herpes of the Internet?

Challenge accepted!

By “they” do you mean the crowd of bystanders into whom you will drift?

I’m way more impressed with the chassis improvements.