
You have to see it in motion to appreciate it. The animation is very stylized and looks cool actually

snigger is an actual word, by the way.


Also I probably shouldn’t have posted those explicit hentai pictures of Marina.

I got banned from Splatoon recently.

This whole thing was proven fake when the rush to make “cuck” a racist slur was at its peak. The cuck insult resurged to popularity as a replacement for beta male, and it hit its popularity in the online gaming community before it became a political insult used by altrighters. Ironically, black men can’t be cucks

“If we’re being completely honest here, I absolutely deserved to be banned,” Craig told Kotaku over Twitter DMs.

I liked this season a lot more than last season.

Was anyone else kind of hoping Cartman shot himself? That would have been one hell of a fucking season ender. He’s been there from the beginning, and all next season could have dragged on his coma or something in line with Trump’s hearings. It would’ve been really ballsy and I would have respected the hell out of it,

I was pissed that the Old Farmer wasn’t there to give warning to the people, especially since he’s based off of a Stephen King character.

okay bae. I respect that. Hope you have a good day.

If you are arguing that South Park is receiving lower grades because of the show’s criticism of liberal ideas, you are indeed offering yet another ‘conspiracy against conservatives’ argument.

Yes, everything is a great conspiracy against conservatives

weird to see your grades for South Park get gradually lower as they continue to level out their criticisms of both Conservatives and Liberals, and point out the hypocrisies of each.

This episode gets an A. Loved it. Kyle didn’t learn from the past and was doomed to repeat it. What is he going to tell poor Ike? And Kyle is really going to need to have a nice long talk with his mother so they can bond over this. I can’t believe all this happened because of the events in “Double Down”. On the other

I know this has been asked a hundred times before, rhetorically putting it here for the sake of discussion:

Given the lengths she went through trying to prove how anyone who enjoys this show is a perverted creep who likes jiggly boobs, the conclusion that “hey, maybe a handful of them genuinely enjoy its other themes” (you know, the thing Dragon Maid is actually about) certainly isn’t open-minded.

It’s funny how your stance is basically “you’re wrong, thinking this show has merits beyond its fan service.”