
Dear Ford,

Yeah, but can it play any games? It would be cool for someone to hack and allow you to play iPod video though it... when you are stopped, of course.

It looks like it really needs a hug.

My co-worker was ammused by this. Today is her birthday. lol

It would be fun to build a portable version of this for nights when my friends drive my car home from the bar and I'm too drunk to tell them to slow down... I am not punching holes in a 2 year old car... maybe I'll do this to my parents' beater truck next time I borrow it.

What? No one wants to see Carol Shelby? lol

A Jetta TDI really appeals to me... the Rabbit TDI is even better... except in CT diesel still costs just under five-freaking-dollars a gallon... at least at the stations near my house.

I don't know why but all of a sudden I had a craving for anything orange flavored..

There is an 84 for sale on the Hartford, CT Craigslist this morning

Finally, the car I've been waiting for at pretty much the exact time I was looking to buy a new car...

Okay. It's a decent car with decent features... But I hate the door pannels! The design looks like something you would find on an idiot's sear convers. I sure hope GM offers alternatives to that design.

If the current Rabbit was offered with something other than the 2.5 I would have already bought one. It its a loud, clanky, thirsty SOB. I would consider a GTI, but I dont want to pay that much when I could get a Mazdaspeed3 for the same price.

Yes I think I can DRIVE better than ESC. I can not brake as well, determine which wheel to brake, or think as quickly... But I'd like to see the ESC accelerate better than me or drive me to work every day.

I have an 09 Corolla for a rental right now while my fusion is in for body work (stupid neighbor). Over the past 2 day's I;ve averaged 31.5 MPG with mostly highway travel (congested but moving at a steady speed over 35 MPH). I was not impressed. My ex's 06 corolla witht he exact same options averages high 30s with

How can it have "Custom original gauges"? Doesnt that contradict itself?

I'll take an EcoBoost I-4 in a next gen Focus, 5 door, of course, painted burnt orange, with a proper 6 speed manual.

It looks like Pinocchio for swallowed by a whale... seriousy, the guy driving needs to duck for the pictures.

I saw one of those stickers on the side of an F-150 about a year ago... the ink was running off the sticker and down onto the white paint. I couldn't help but laugh.