
One of my friends has an 84 non turbo in high school (1996-1997) The thing was a blast to drive, had a really weird dash, and was the first car I ever jumped.

These days it would have been hard to find a chevy that floats to rebadge.

I wonder how easy it is to tip it over.

86 Bronco II. bought for $900 from a friend. Needed a tranny as soon as I got home. needed brakes and shocks too. I had it for 2 years and only put 300 miles on it (and 2 tanks of gas. Later found out it had an electrical fire at one point and the harness was fried. solf it for $300 when it wouldnt run anymore.

Still looks like crap. Way to destroy a good car GM!!


"Hey honey, as soon as they stop taking our picture we should fold these seats down and go at it like rabbits!"

If someone ever slapped on of these on my car, I'd slap them in the face... with a Louisville Slugger.

I agree on the Flex. Ford will need to kill this thing the day that comes out.

It looks like the kid in school with the Unibrow.

I have a great sence of direction. I can read a map (quite well) and never get lost. My girlfriend on the other hand can not tell right from left if he life depended on it and thinks north is always stright forward (i shit you not). She can't read a map, AT ALL and is always lost.

The interior made me throw up on my mouth. The stero/HVAC controlls look like an afterthough and all I could think fo when I saw the steering wheel was my grandfather's 2000 S10.

its definitly the Mazda 6 5-door. go to www.mazdausa.com and look at the 3D view of the car. turn it to the dirver side and look at the lower part of the rear bumper. The car is a 2004ish. check the link

looks like a Madza 6 5-door with an after-market nose?

Car Fax says the VIN is for an 84 Trans AM 305 V8. I'm not paying for the full report though...