Back when the original Doom MP would literally kill university networks over night, It’s a shame what happened to Doom 2016 MP tbh.
Back when the original Doom MP would literally kill university networks over night, It’s a shame what happened to Doom 2016 MP tbh.
Just another reason why I don’t want kids, My list is growing more than I thought it would :D
at 150k sounds like they take a few years to get around to doing anything. And if if take them that long then wouldn’t that reflect how much it is valued as an issue?
“Blizzard says they’ve looked into running their own classic World of Warcraftservers but ultimately determined that keeping them updated would require “tremendous operational challenges.””
So the community did the work for them and they still closed it. I mean for shit sake what would they need to update on a…
A few games run in mid teens on the consoles didn’t they? JC3? And didn’t one of the AC games do it too?
So does that mean everyone in the si-fi based anime’s are all Japanese including anything that isn’t of the same race?
Bad time or just a boring time?
This sounds brutal!
Makes me wonder if they ran this off a cluster or something.
Way too much water!
If Twitch was ever a game. This would be it.
“Too much bloom” - IGN
Still looks bad even with the mods :S
I’m sure she can find another job maybe at Blizzard?
Way too much butt for me. Maybe I should tweet the cosplayer and ask them to tone down on that ass..... <_<
The tree in the reflection looks like a silver birch tree, They don’t look like silver birch’s outside that office.
ofc she made 80 mill from a 2 year old app no one talks about....... <_<
Worrying that an athlete died at 49 :S
This year I’ve noticed this when I stopped swimming. Just don’t have time for it with a fulltime job :c
Is it wrong that I want them to give these two mega evolution’s?