
Nice art but not really wallpaper art is it now. :|

Pixar films have better textures though :|

Got super excited about finding potential wallpapers but all his work is like 600 X 800 sadly :(

Dat Twitch money!

Is this shit even legal?

The fact the community has to make its own HD textures says it all really!

I bet Capcom wanted to release a HD remake a year or two later in hopes of cashing in on more low effort remakes.

Texture streaming is just too slow to keep up with sonic! Too fast he is :O

Dog or Doge?

Nvidia hairworks :P

That their shitty PC’s can’t run the game or something daft no doubt :|

Inb4 Konami shuts it down!

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Why isn’t this on jezzabel

Whale maybe you’ll see it in the next one?

Taking a selfie of your self taking a selfie that’s skill right there :P

Steam mobile app will keep a chat log for you if you talk to people using the mobile app of course. You’re welcome :P

This is probably why I couldn’t use my name I wanted for Online. 18 rated game yet has word censorship LOOOOOOOOOOOOL

Only 1 slut wookiee? :O

These Star Wars fans are hardcore! It all looks good :D

Just looks like grade A bants. Too bad TB Isn’t in the mood.

For anyone interested in joining in on the fun here is the group and a setup guide for the build we use to play.

I’d hardly call a Nintendo sale a sale at all to be honest :P