
That's pretty much how it roles, sometimes when support tickets are missed you'll get the line manager looking over and passing a few missed ones over or flagging them as "need to resolve now it's been a week already :P"

White fox? That's like the equivalent to a shiny Pokemon right?

It's like the game was translated all into Doge.

So is the game stable or has it turned out like Dead Island?

Pokemon Fighting game they said! Full of non fighting non Pokemon

Where are the Hitmons at is what I want to know?

Fair do's

LOL you make him sound like a network engineer when in fact he's just playing better than everyone else :|

Well I say. Baby got back!

I hope you got a refund for that shit?

Their lack in case design for cool says otherwise :D

This is some sort of troll! They've delayed this game more times than I've traded Pokemon in my life time!

Still wondering why Nintendo don't provide official numbers like they did with past games. They even had a live feed of what was currently being traded.

Seems fitting for the world of GTA.

Good thing he didn't have his phone on him XD

Epicyawn looks so cute :3

Blood dragon was close enough.

It's clearly a fossilised ATM machine <_<

Dang Drive club looks like it's rocking PhysX on it's fluids. Pretty sick stuff :O

No because they would filter out all the shit instead of processing it like this thing is doing.

Game based on MM system. need I say more?