
Knowing this school they'll probably end up as Green eggs & ham instead :P

Sunset harddrive reminds me of Jet set radio :D

Now playing

Even game trailers looks good with 60FPS :D

Hell most people in the gaming world don't give a shit either, The whole thing seems like one big troll if you ask me. Games like GTA won't change because why would they or anything that's got a pretty high age rating you can expect some offensive stuff no doubt about it.

Quick tip for you all, It's still pretty buggy while playing an embeded vid that isn't full screen so you'll need to full screen the video and then take it back out of full screen to view it with 60FPS outside of full screen :D

Flipping ubi... I mean Nintendo :P

I thought that was in the process of being outlawed I'm sure I remember hearing something about that.

It should be illegal to make games this bad, Why is it even on steam?

If any sane person wanted to play a zombie game they would play L4D instead right?

Only watched about half the vid, You can shoot while in 3rd person right?

Hit the nail on the head! I never heard of this game till now.

Here's me thinking wouldn't it be cool if it had 4G built in then I remembered we just tether from our phones anyways :P

Price drops must be really good in Japan I guess :|

Like when we all made up different Pokemon game names when Red & Blue was in it's prime One kid says "Black & White versions" #gamergate #conspiracy

It's unusable yet you can use it and clearly easily reach it?

Am I missing something?

I've still got my first gen from like 7 years ago :O

Still use the thing.

Watch out Microsoft! Apple might try and sue you because a member of your newly owned franchise has now created a working iPhone in-game :P

Good thing it doesn't have rounded edges too or you guys would be in a world of hurt XD


The whole thing seems like a school yard joke right about now. I'm shocked this shit has lasted for this long now.

I bought the second one like 2 years ago but forgot to play it.

Worst? LOL 3rd gen set a new standard though :/

Player interaction was thought about as well I'd like to see what they've done with the key features that were in the originals and made them more open as online components.

This game also had some cool environments to check out.