
Next gen console..... And still can't handle AMD tressFX LOL XD

Hey least this way they get to see the world a bit more XD

I'll try and buy one of these tomorrow.

Some monitors on the market have build in cross hairs I had a friend that tested it on HC mode. These things don't really do much if you already play enough FPS.

PS4? LOL this is on all platforms.

You could get a 3D printer on lease and find a really good kit on a community and print you're own for less and feel a bit more involved instead of just giving 200 grand for what looks to be a bit of metal.

Looks so bad for $10

Lets hope gamefreak can fix this with a client patch.

GeeGeeGee baby bay!

Good lord this looks more hectic than that board game called mouse trap

Custom ASIC's LOL this guy may of just increased the mining difficulty :P

Reminds me of the Windows 8 licence activation glitch so you ended up having to activate your copy via CMD 0x8007007b LOL.

Someone hasn't been paying their protection fee's it looks like to me.

Cracking pair i must say ^_^

Then just ban the fool's console from ever using twitch instead of taking it away from everyone else >_>

Not sure but i guess it isn't working because it looks like someone just took a shit on it.

Emotional bitches over an emoticon. Shit!

"Almost" being key word.... Hardly next gen tech if you ask me it's old tech being put into a shiny box. #MarketHypeMuch?

All that space wasted on an Optical drive. I don't even use an optical drive on my PC :P

4k ready lol, Yet i'm seeing some games that can't even hit 1080... Looking at BF4