
I'm sure the 3DS can do AR stuff in 3D as well just that Nintendo never really pushed that idea as much and was more of a tech demo shipped with the devices :/

Also a lady mentions how she wants a souvenir "Something like a lava cookie from Hoenn"

If you find it embarrassing then you've simply lost already and there is no point in you buying it then. I happily walked into game and traded my xbox 360 and GTAV just to get this game and a pre-order for BF4 as i'm broke and didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Plus lets face it everyone working at either gamestop or game

With all the cash they have i'm sure they could make some badass shit!

Gosh living in Korea must be shitty.

Red Faction still makes this games destruction look wack.

Looks like a tranny

Clearly because it wasn't an interest to her you muppet!

Just like in real life :D

Looks more like it's taken a shit that looks like hello kitty :/

Now playing

This is a sick view these guys got.
First burst missed the second one didn't XD

Why don't they just sell the FIFA games as like they are DLC packages from now on? I really don't see the point in publishing these new roster updates as a whole game.

I'm taking a guess you also dislike bacon.

I noticed them really badly too so i slapped a HDMI cable in and it's looking a little better... Still though this is some of the problems with old hardware :[

This makes GTAV look aged XD

To be honest i don't think people give a shit seeing as it's GTA anyways.

What's with all the pre-renders kicking about?

Guns don't kill people rappers do, I saw it on a documentary on BBC2

Their is a reason why PC technology still use PCI slots instead of just "electrical pins"

Great idea, But the numbers seem fake. 139mil lol i really doubt that many people support this i really do.