
I'll get back into EQ so long as someone can promise me that I won't have to run for 20 minutes across level 30+ zones to complete a level 10 quest.

I've had this one on preorder since they first allowed, in fact NISA just charged me for it last night.

I've been following articles about this series for awhile. The concept greatly intrigues me - can anyone tell me if I should seek out the anime first, or play the game first then watch the anime (which came first)?

By faaaar.

How do you like that, Wizardry Online! Permadeath's a bitch, ain't it!

Look out Orange Crush pop! They're coming for you next!

When AC4 came out, many people said that the game is filled with bugs and glitches, and while i saw the videos and gifs about them, i never encountered any of those, or other bugs. And i played through it twice.

Just to reiterate the point:

This is basically an internal 500GB, 5400RPM, 8MB Cache HDD for $65. But here's one much better for very little more in price:

Boy, you got him good.

I just play games and I am sick of the haters and trolls. The worst is that these trolls genuinely believe they are entitled and justified in their behavior. They think they get to sling mud if they aren't entertained. Or make personal attacks if they are disappointed. It's like they never learned how to communicate

What did you just say, punk?

if you started the game, then i'd suggest waiting. I have yet to play the game though....

oh i wasn't. but you still seem to think i am... i REALLY dont give a fuck



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X-Men, X2: X-Men United, and X-Men: The Last Stand for about $4 per film.

Nobody calls it Sleepy Dogs.

Golden has everything 4 does, and then some. And they're both magnificent, and deserve to be on this list.