Jay Bets

You could fit the Pacific Ocean into the massive blindspot They have regarding race/racism and still have room left over for the Grand Canyon. Yes Greg, you are indeed missing something.

Ummm, was the Wayfair website down or something? Maaan What I can do with 5 stacks and free shipping....they would have thought Jonathan Adler came in and decorated the shit himself.


People commenting on this are 100% missing the point of the whole article. The irony of the situation. We are supposed to feel sorry for this kid who is being bullied (which we DO) but we are somehow not supposed to acknowledge the fact that his mother is basically pimping him out for donations, while instilling

I’m not racist. I have white friends. Namaste!

So now the original story comes into question. After all, one mans bullying is another mans “not letting a racist get away with saying shit to you.”

Kim, please.

As someone who was brutally and ruthlessly bullied from 3rd-8th grade - I was told it was my fault for not giving the other kids a chance. How could I give them a chance when I was under attack for things that were out of my control?

This dude clocked a girl half his age and weight right in the nose.