
I blame Cinema Sins and Honest Trailers and all those garbage video essays. They’re all uniformly terrible and say nothing other than the most superficial inane things about the plot or some plot inconsistency they managed to notice in between sips of Mountain Dew and handfuls of Doritos.

After this episode, I’m convinced that Zach is being intentionally developed as the worst scifi kid in recent TV memory so that the audience will be super-ok with watching him being eaten alive by that horde of creepy vampire children currently hunting him down.

Because these are modern day parents- not idealized members of the so-called Great Generation circa the comics- and as a mother she’s reacting to people slagging on Superman for saving the planet... She was actually telling Superman to be the hero/saviour people need him to be because that’s who he is. Don’t half ass

Greatness. Pure greatness. She inspires me and countless other little black girls to not be ashamed of our bodies, our strength, our hair, just fucking everything. The Williams sisters are by far my favorite athletes and are some of the best in their sport. People will talk shit, some deserved, but she is the best.

or if you know anything else, you can let us know at tips@deadspin.com

4. Wait three days.

Jesus’s Way

I can tell you what the flag was created to symbolize. Treason and hatred. Of the need for men to die that other men might be kept in chains.

the debate was had. you lost. by a score of roughly Sherman’s March to the Atlantic to nil. your flag commemorates hatred, treason, and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of americans in the name of preserving white supremacy. Dylann Roof waved it knowing that you and the entirety of South Carolina stood behind him

But then we’d have no movie. Nobody wants to watch random Kryptonians visit Earth on fuckin’ peaceful vacation.

The scene was very difficult to watch, but I felt like it worked well for the story they’re telling. It was right that Ramsay would rape Sansa; not only is he a sadist, but culturally he’d be expected to — remember that Tyrion was considered a weirdo for NOT immediately raping his teenage bride. I also felt like the

I really think these “grimdark” complaints are vastly overblown. First off, I very rarely see anyone mention any such trend outside certain sites on the Internet. And people mostly seem really hung up the MCU vs DC debate where DC is definitely taking the darker route and not fairing as well. But doesn’t the quantity

Yet the point still keeps recurring that the “anger” has absolutely no valid basis at this point. We haven’t seen anywhere near enough of the movie to make a judgement about how good or bad it is yet, and therefore, as with BvS, people are hating just because they actually want to be angry rather than optimistic. Kind

Damn you Zack Snyder for leveraging color grading as part of the experience of motion story telling! Don't you know it should always be unicorns and rainbows irrespective of the story you are trying to tell?

Today has to be one of, if not the most exciting days for fans of comics and scifi.

I think that it is WAY premature for any of us to think that the new Fantastic Four has "abandoned" superheroics based on what amounts to a short teaser trailer.

THIS. A thousand times, THIS.

DofP Quicksilver was essentially a few good one liners and one amazing action scene lifted out of mediocre Matrix imitation by a great song and a sense of humor. If he'd been more crucial to the plot and stuck around longer, they would have had to do some workarounds with 'blur' type scenes because bullet time, even

Shouldn't Arizona's arrow point south?