
I honestly don't get how he can do both either, it just doesn't seem like there would be enough time for both. I really loved the new Trek films though so I would love to see him work out a way to do both

The only real problem is that I don't understand how he can do both logistically. Personally I loved the two Star Trek films and I would love to see his take on Star Wars. I'm just not sure who else they could get to do it, I do like the idea of Blomkamp if Abrams can't do it though

That's actually kind of my point, most of things people call plot holes actually aren't. In addition these "plot holes" exist in every movie, there's nothing wrong with film makers expecting people to be smart enough to over look things that don't matter, ie who heard Kane say rosebud and how Bruce gets back to

Serious question, has there ever been a movie without plot holes? I man Citizen Kane is called called the best movie ever and contains a huge plot hole, Kane died alone so who was around to hear him say rosebud? Sometimes plot holes just come from the film makers assuming that the audience isn't stupid and can fill in

In the context of Zod trying to destroy the fucking world, yes it would have been stupid for Superman to stop fighting in order to save a few people that hadn't been evacuated from Metropolis.

But that would have been dumb and out of place

That's terrible advice. Watch it and make up your own mind. Personally I think it's a brilliant show and I loved it from start to finish.

That letter lost all credibility when he complained about Superman fighting Zod without concerns about collateral damage and then complains about Superman killing Zod before he can murder a fucking family. Jesus people make up your fucking minds. Also stop talking about collateral damage like Superman could do

Didn't he say the heat were his adopted team?

Totally with you, plus the refs let both teams get away with a lot of physical play all night. A foul or travel call there would have been horrendous, great no call.

I completely agree that being a black sci-fi/fantasy fan can be tough sometimes but for what ever reason I'm inclined to give GoT and ASOIAF a pass. I think the main reason is the fact that the race of the easterners doesn't actually matter, they just kind of exist as people who are brown instead of "brown people"

I thought the episode did exactly what it needed to do which is set up season 4. As far as not giving us anything to feel good about, I feel like it's important to remember that the writers don't owe us shit. They tell the story they want to tell and you like it or don't . Personally I enjoyed it and thought it was a

Well I agree there but I would say the growing anti-intellectual movement has more to do with the growing political crisis facing the country than anything else. Everything has to be viewed through a fucking political lens so facts can't be facts, which is why climate change is so controversial or why the Trayvon

Agreed, ESPN is the worst. The reaction to one game is so over the top that it's just funny, anyway Heat in 6

Obviously parents who abuse or neglect their children should be punished, but I fail to see how that leads to Idiocracy, which is where we started. I only have a problem with the idea that certain people are dumbing down our society society by breeding, which is what your initial comment suggested

I'm not offended at all, I would just encourage you to step out of your privilege and look at the way this type of thinking affects attitudes toward poor and/or nonwhite people

Nice straw man, misogynist laws have nothing to do with with what we're discussing. There is a major difference between protecting a ward of the state and trampling on the rights of a person deemed unworthy. Basically your argument sucks and rests on racist and classist assumptions, if that makes you uncomfortable

Sorry but it's a problematic argument that rests on the notion that some people are too inferior to be parents, and in America "those" people happen to always be poor and brown. Even if that's not where you're coming from it's still incredibly dickish and condescending to think you can decide who has a right to be a

Exactly, lets make sure that all of dumb poor people stop ruining the world with their poor dumb kids. This argument says so much more about the people who make it than the people they criticize, and seriously using short hand and evolving slang to prove the "Idiocracy" is upon us? You should have just shouted "get

Uh, no. Kobe is a better scorer than either Bron or Duncan, but that's about it. As an all around player he's not on their level. No shade, just truth