
Dark Souls is really good. It’s very worth it. (I thought it was free for Gold at one point. Can’t remember.) With III coming out, it reminded me of how much I like these games. So I replayed all the souls games recently. Dark Souls>Demon’sSouls>Dark Souls2>Bloodborne. IMO. Played BloodBorne when it was released and

Hate bots. Nothing but grief for human players. If you want to play off line with AI, fine. But using a bot to invade other players, that sucks.

I really don’t get from where this article is coming. This is not at all what I remembered what was said about the game. I understand there were COD and Activision haters out there but for the most part they were a minority and this game and it’s story was highly praised by almost every major publication.


This is quite possibly the best article I've read on Kotaku in YEARS. Bravo. Brings back memories. We used to go to the Computer Expos to get all our peripheral items. Of course CPU, mem, GPU and MB would never be bought from one of those vendors... But cases, keyboards, mice, software, etc... no problem. Oh and I

Yup. This isn't the only problem. SaaS and HaaS are a pita as well. Sucks to have to pay for Xbox live and PSN. I used to care, I just don't anymore. I stopped collecting games a while ago due to the lack of on disc content. When there is a game I want, I buy the plain version and that's it. I'll wait a few weeks or


Eh. This was funny. I still like all the MW games. MW2 was my favorite, loved the chopper. Ghosts has some good maps but the perks and kill streaks are ok. I do like that you can ditch your secondary and equipment in favor of more perks. Now if they would only just come out with a MW that has every Modern Warfare map,

Mandatory Kinect, Online Only, Console DRM I wouldn't say these were risks but incredibly stupid business decisions. YES they reversed these decisions however the damage was done and Sony was able to capitalize on the negative press.

Titanfall exclusivity was the first bright move by MS, we'll see how the Kinectless

Lillith was definitely the best character early on and she only got better as you played. Mordicai would be the next best IMO. The soldier and Brick are .... eh. It's true you go back to to the same areas for different quests. I've played through the game dozens of times and have as many characters. I have Borderlands

Borderlands 2 was MEH. If you thought 1 slogged at times, 2 is twice as bad. One Maguffin mission after another. And the weapons stink this time around. Get the Armory of General Knox DLC for Borderlands instead.


Now playing

Not fan of the posted music in anyway. It's trite and vulgar. Here's what I enjoyed this weekend.

You know these are going right up for sale right?

I actually saw a documentary on PBS about the Sonic Hedgehog gene last week. Pretty cool.

Translation: "We haven't sold as many Xbone One systems as we originally expected. We're pushing this out two more weeks to see if we can get more XBox One systems to sell before releasing this on Xbox 360. Given all the positive reviews we've been getting on the game we believe we can sell a few more systems.

The only reason I bake cookies is to eat the cookie dough. That's the best part. Seriously, so good. The ones that actually make it to the oven I take to work. In over 30 years of baking I've personally never gotten sick from eating raw dough.

Where's the achievement for getting one million? What a let down.