
Ha- it reads exactly like I expected. SFJ has written some articles I dig before, but his propensity for not letting facts & wider reasoning get in the way of him making a grand sweeping statement about something ( his death knell for rap from a couple years ago comes to mind ) really undermines him as a whole.

Nice- I had just stumbled across the Chicago AV club's Oral History of Chicago Metal feature- and now a new Loud on the national page.  
Has anyone else checked this feature out? I have little to no knowledge of Chicago metal, outside of the more industrial stuff so it's making for a really cool read.

For all the more specifically genre oriented blogs I read, this column has resulted in my hearing two of my favorite records this year- both the Rational Animals and the Dark Ages LP's blew me away, and I found em' here. Thanks man.

nice to see Total Abuse getting some love- there's a decent side project named White Dog that's putting out a record pretty soon- worth checking for if you dig more straight up noise…

For anyone inspired by this article to check out the movies on netflix- note that the watch-instantly version Deep Red is the crappy US edit, and is missing 22 minutes of footage. Hold out for the the disc, it's the full unedited version of the film.

Title's supposed to say "I dig it"

I did it
A lot actually. It's always great to see straight up harsh noise get some more mainstream attention.

@Bobo- In retrospect, I should take to time to revisit his solo stuff, the same way I did company flow, but I remember it taking a too sharp turn into the weirdness for weirdness sake sound that I associate a lot with the anti-pop consortium or the Anticon dudes, and his voice in large doses, with no one to balance it

Haha-yeah his solo stuff definitely veers to far into the shitty side of the whole backpack thing for my tastes. That beef was pretty ridiculous, although I remember Sole having a line about El-P's music sounding like pot's and pans that made me chuckle.

I really hope they tour
I found myself revisiting Funcrusher Plus quite a bit lately, and it sounds holds up really well. It's a shame that people pass these guys up because of that shitty "backpacker rap" baggage, and all of the terrible cheesy connotations it brings now. Company Flow (along with a lot of their

Skeletor, Orko, Frankenstein's Monster, & Godzilla to the rescue for me… The best part of home-made here teams were eschewing the actual hero characters for the much cooler villain toys…

Yeah- It borders on being a guilty pleasure for me because of the snobbery, but since I listen to podcasts at work, and I work with an office full of adults who listen to Disney Radio and re-enact Twix commercials they find hilarious, the intellectual elitism can be sadly refreshing.

Oops- misplaced apostrophe- should be Geto Boys'
But yeah, I think the shift from the Michael character being self conscious about listening to Scarface near a black guy in the beginning to the use of each song over different acts of rebellion (Knocking down the cubicle walls, uploading the virus) to the full on

Ugh- I haven't gotten around to listening to this weeks episode, but I find June Thomas insufferable. She has a tendency I can't stand of making things she's reviewing or discussing emblematic of issues much larger than they have any right being. In their discussion of Somewhere she catapulted the general boringness

Adding to the pile
- Geto Boy's "Damn it Feels Good to be a Gangsta" in Office Space.. I think the use of rap in this movie as seen unfairly as a lot more ironic, or gag oriented than it is… but that's for a longer discussion

It's Q Lazzarus - I'm pretty sure it's the only thing they ever did, and the single went out of print- I know because I was a 13 year old goth kid when I saw that movie and remember bugging my local record store endlessly about it…

I honestly misread the News Item as saying "house plant" instead of "house pet". So disappointed…

While on the topic of books by rappers…
Does AV Club have any plans on reviewing prodigy's new book, My Infamous Life ?

American Graffiti / Arrested Development
The first thing that comes to mind is the epilogue at the end of American Graffiti. I didn't watch this movie until recently, and adored it until that terrible on the nose "where are they now" horse-shit that left a terrible taste in my mouth about the whole movie. It seemed to

Is there any chance of a semi regular hip-hop / rap column in AV club? I feel like with all of the minutiae of music discussed, it seems like a huge blind spot…