
No, Wii U* is a bad name because consumers don't get the difference. It's why stores have to put up big signs explaining the difference.

Getting married costs about $40 (Marriage License fees vary by county). Seriously, people, if you can't afford the BS pagentry that has sprung up in the wedding industry, just do a civil wedding or do it in your church, no reception.

Did you ever play the 3DS version?

Lol. At least U rhymes with 'Two', but yeah, that is another highly confusing product name.


Sure, but in the context of Video Games, were One spelled out has always meant a redesign of the original, it doesn't really work (for instance, the PSOne). There must be a better way to express that.

They didn't just refer to it as the PS1 - Sony released a redesigned version of the console called PSOne.

No, I get that, but the average consumer doesn't realize it so the name doesn't really work.

I meant in terms on the average consumer. And yes, when referring to the original Xbox we called it 'first Xbox' 'Xbox 1', etc.

"Attempting to impress by affecting greater importance, talent, culture, etc., than is actually possessed"

That just seems silly.

In all honestly, maybe you shouldn't have given your Xbox a pretentious name like that, then? Considering this is really 'Xbox 3', it's highly confusing. Worse, even, than Wii U.

Nerdy Joke FTW.

According to the list - they did.

If that picture is accurate and Red has a Persian, I love him.

Thanks! I remember the name and the woman, but couldn't place what I saw her in.

What did she appear in? Did she ever have her own special or was she just one of the comics on one of Comedy Central's various stand-up shows?

That would be great - I just hope that's how it turns out.

My only worry is that it means certain dungeons won't be as challenging - since you'll potentially be hitting any one of them with few hearts.

"3. Forgetting to set up a protective barrier of salt and magical herbs upon your bedroom floor before summoning a demon."