I'd much rather have Mii Support, and then I can play with Reggie anyway.
I'd much rather have Mii Support, and then I can play with Reggie anyway.
Subspace Emissary was amazing - 'spoilers' is the flimsiest excuse I've ever heard for not including another mode like it. I loved the co-op!
I don't even think it's that dramatic. We've just got a competitive atmosphere in the geek community now where some feel that you have to 'prove' yourself to be a 'real' geek. It's a source of self-esteem, but it's unhealthy. It stems from the geek superiority complex many of us have/had at one point or another.
The first game actually required a modicum of stealth to be successful, but I agree with you later games are 'Assassination' games.
Insecure man-children who grew up with the internet. Also, the toxic culture of Xbox Live contributed.
So, in April I married my now-wife after 8 years together, with the last three of those spent long distance (and a few months here and there during the first few years).
Just leaving Skype on can help a LOT. I spent about 3 years away from my Girlfriend/Fiance/Wife (as the progression happened). Having Skype open, having regular visits and having an end game helps immensely.
Well, the mutliplayer has slowly been tweaked to reward the less cautious player more. Where in Brotherhood a stealthy kill would net you at least 600 points, the same kill is only worth 3-400 points in 3, while the reward for a totally botched kill stayed the same.
Absolutely. I was blown away by the original multiplayer, although I've played less of each succeeding game's multiplayer.
Oh absolutely, I just vastly prefer extended cat-and-mouse games, hunting down your prey while someone else is hunting you.
And I love it.
That's a fair assessment, although Stealth has become less and less of a necessary option.
The Original was a Stealth/Platformer. You could even plan out your missions to be undetected.
Can we all agree Assassin's Creed is no longer a 'stealth' game? I love the series, but I don't think it can qualify anymore (although the Multi-player is still amazing as long as you don't have many 'runners').
I think the American Ad captures the true spirit of Pikmin. Which is commanding your legions to plunder the earth.
You know? That's a fair point.
I gamesharked this and FFXII so that I could finish the game.
It looks like Capcom has decided how to replace Megaman.
I imagine they've made the switch to next gen, maybe?
I just looked it up, and apparently the worked on FFXIII-2 ?!?