He will body you as an opponent and toss your tracksuit in the shower as a teammate. Don’t mess with Big Buff.
He will body you as an opponent and toss your tracksuit in the shower as a teammate. Don’t mess with Big Buff.
Just your typical 6-tool player.
Fuck Duke.
Whoa, I know Nicki from her Battlestar days in Vancouver. Boozy memories of pounding whisky shots with her at Bosman’s which was an excellent dive bar because it was one of the actual few dive bars in Vancouver (free popcorn!).
This is especially embarrassing for Drake if you consider the fact that he doesn’t even write his own cusses.
If you are the type of person who calls a player wearing an A an “assistant” rather than an “alternate” captain I will not hesitate to shoot you and your entire family.
The only thing in Canada more useless than the Senators are the Senators.
FWIW both Real Madrid and Bayern Munich are owned by their supporters with a mandate to win on the pitch and to reinvest all profits back into the club/community. I wish the MLS/NHL/MLB/NBA teams I’m a fan of would be so craven as to follow their model.
The missing vulgarity: Hinkie.
Food related Prince story:
Don’t sleep on the potential of him heading England.
It truly is the end of an era. RIP the following:
Co-sign on the tortillas. Also on the salad dressing. A warm vinaigrette with bacon fat + red wine vinegar + honey is the perfect triangle of flavour.
I imagine this was only the second most embarrassing slip Anthony Gerrard has seen happen on the pitch.
Not to be that guy but Newcastle United has only won 4 top flight titles.
Not to be that guy but that was their first title as Premier League champions, they won 2 titles as First Division champions.
The team is called the Capitals and yet the logo is all lowercase. It’s maddening.
Jose Mourinho masterclass in coming from 2 goals behind to beat your rivals and then losing to the last place team on purpose thereby diminishing the celebration of a league title because everyone expected you to beat West Brom including Pep Guardiola who is probably still on the back nine of a golf course somewhere…
Can you really be considered a great leader if you haven’t shown you can grow a manly beard tho.