
Taika handled the action of Thor: Ragnarok quite well, so no worries here. That was probably my favorite of the Marvel movies to date

What that dick do?

Rest in Power to Avalanche Bob, a true NY weirdo

This was the first episode that didn’t really work for me. I found it to be really boring honestly. Beyond that, this was the first time where I thought the show really messed with Moore’s creation for the worse. Up to this point, it’s just been adding on to things from the source material or filling in gaps (Hooded

Here’s the thing and I’ll probably get hate for it, but I really don’t get the praise for Shrill. I feel like I get what it’s going for, but it seems like it’s been done a lot already at this point. I do love that Patti Harrison has a prominent supporting role on the show though. It just feels mostly like I’m watching

Is that Tom Scharpling at 0:17 in the conference room?

Honestly the fact that Looking Glass fought back against them all was my favorite thing of the episode. I really want to see more of him

So can you give me any tips on how to be as supremely cool as you? You’re clearly doing WONDERFUL and I would really be interested in following whatever steps you took to get yourself to that point

I can’t believe it, but I started tearing up at the end of the episode when Mando and Baby Yoda were looking at each other and Mando was fully ready to die after rescuing him from the Imperials. Then bam. The other Mandalorians show up and wipe the bounty hunters out. I’m in absolute awe of the direction of this

The baby is not actually Yoda. This takes place after Return of the Jedi. Everyone refers to him as Baby Yoda because Yoda’s species has never been given a name.

It would’ve been a great gag if one of the Janets was wearing a lab coat ala Rick Sanchez (from Rick and Morty)

I can’t fucking believe I’m going to get HBO Max. When I first heard about it, I had zero interest. Between this, the Studio Ghibli offerings and that Tokyo Vice show, I’m officially on board.

Hi, I’m Troy.”

I liked the first season quite a bit and LOVE me some Lizzy Caplan so I am quite excited for this!

Slashfilm has the exact opposite article on their site:

Is it though? PTSD can be experienced by people who suffered a trauma of any sort. If it was a stressful/traumatic experience for him, then it seems pretty possible that he’d have recurring, stressful thoughts associated with this time period.

I’ll have to check that out, thanks!

“...you won’t tell anyone will you, TMZ?”

I watch it every week and I know two of my friends that watch it as well, so there’s at least a handful of us

That isn’t as fun of an image of him standing up to give his own film a standing ovation at a screening for it