
I fully agree with you there and I think we desperately need some RATM right now, but I also am not sure that punk was a super popular genre back in the early 00's. As for who would step up and release the music, I’m really not sure. I think that’s kind of the excitement of “oh this person is using their platform to

I haven’t been a fan of Green Day since the late 90's, but it’s hard to deny that American Idiot was a huge album for them. Beyond that, I can think of:

The 60's/70's was probably the high water mark for political/protest music with everything going on in Vietnam, so I’m sure that’s a really deep (and great) well to explore. I do think that generalizing millennials is probably a mistake. I work at a University and I see a lot of engagement from the students here (and

Honest question: with this aside where is all the political music right now? Is it just due to the current climate of the music industry or something else? There were SO many politically charged albums (some really great ones too) that came out during the Bush era, where are the Trump era albums/songs? I know there’s

It wasn’t cancelled, they’re filming the second season right now

I really got a kick out of the fact that Charlie may have briefly died after that happened? The fact that the camera held on him laying there lifeless and he then suddenly had a huge gasp of air before waking up definitely lead me to believe he was temporarily dead. I was almost expecting that to be a through line as

Available November 5:

It’s rumored to be free to watch on any Apple device

You’re probably right, I just felt like a lot of the episodes (while still funny and enjoyable) just felt kind of small and contained and the majority so far really only took place in one location. I was probably wrong in referring to them as bottle episodes though

I definitely took it as he was purposely telling her to come in despite the fact that his pants (and underwear? It was blurred if I recall) were around his ankles. The whole point of the original post was that a lot of that shit that looked humorous in an office setting probably would not be viewed as such today. This

I totally forgot about that. For some reason I thought they were in the bar the entire episode, but you’re right.

Yeah I definitely agree with you here. The one episode that comes to mind is the episode where Michael is changing in his office and purposely exposes himself to Pam, but tries to play it off like it was an accident.

It’s actually a pretty well thought out statement/response he provided. The headline makes it out to be something it isn’t

I wasn’t really clear there sorry, it was all the other aspects of my dad that made him out to be lame. In my 13 year old mind, my dad being a fan of Led Zeppelin would have upped his coolness factor in my mind, but I was wrong in mixing up the two Jimmy’s. My dad and good time don’t really seem to work together in

With the exception of last week’s episode, has every other episode this season been a “bottle episode”?

I posted a similar comment a couple years ago, but I think the fact that Jimmy/Saul/Gene winds up in Omaha is because he wanted to be closer to Kim. Early on in Better Call Saul she talks about how she’s from the Kansas-Nebraska border (which according to Google maps could be about 2 hours from Omaha depending on what

Yup exactly! He also mentioned something about it being “Ignacio’s idea”, but neither character was ever seen or mentioned again in BB (as far as I can recall)

As of season 2 of Breaking Bad it sure seems like Lalo (and Nacho) are still alive. I’m fascinated to see if Better Call Saul will wind up in a concurrent timeline with Breaking Bad at some point and wrap up these character’s arcs

Daytona was the Pusha album I was referring to in my comment. I also listened to Kids See Ghosts and thought it was ok, but nothing too special really. I will be the first to admit that I was a HUGE Kanye fan and still love a ton of his older stuff, but he burned through whatever goodwill he had built up with me very

I listened to it a few times and thought it was unmemorable for the most part