nope, this is a Stargate.
nope, this is a Stargate.
Except you would still be headed to the ground when you emerge and turned into time traveler goo.
He started deadlifting Gamecubes and I just fucking died. Nintendo is great.
It’s moments like this when I ask the universe:
Why wasn’t I born rich instead of good loo——
Well, $#iiiiiiiiiiittt.
All that work and they got Han and Chewie in the wrong seats.
I’m pretty sure the whole point of that comic was a setup to make a joke on the song lyrics (“they see me rollin’, they haitin’”), not actually a statement that the roller was OP.
Watched it while at work. No regrets.
I can’t hardly believe this was a thing...…
Fore attunement device <_<
The force is strong with this Juan XD
With included DLC codes for Smash Bros Mii Gear.
I would actually quite like this.
I was kind of seeing this guy for a while. I liked him a lot. We were in our twenties. He was an artsy weirdo musican type, and had been living with an older hippie chick who had two kids. They had recently broken up, and he didn’t have a specific place to live. He was moving out of their place but didn’t know where.…
Tried to stay friends.
Oh how I love this guy. He makes movies the way I designed Lego contraptions when I was eight. “OK, but the nazi robot crocodile needs more laserkatanas and a jet engine and also seven more wheels I think.” Nowhere in his creative process is there a focus group screening where some flyover state church lady gets to…
There's a twitter post out there, that I liked when it was copied to tumblr. It said something like "If I had a nickel for every time someone older than me told me millennials are lazy/greedy/entitled I'd have enough money to buy a house in the market they ruined."