I'm just a caveman

The pictures just confirm racist stereotypes.

It’s not really an issue, she’s not going to be president.

Do you think that the Secretary of State personally and single-handedly makes major strategic decisions about issues like this by fiat?

“World’s leading charity”....really???

I see Huma finally decided to shave her beard off.


I see what you did there.

Don’t ever do it. I remember when my divorce attorney asked me if there was any pics of my dick on my phone or the internet, I said fuck NO!

That iphone ipad sync is a motherfucker. Imagine my surprise when I went home one evening, sat on the couch picked up the ipad and saw my whole fucking day on there. YIKES!!!!!!

I want to see Hiilary excuse herself to go to the bathroom and not come back.

Oh really???

“An Idiot Gator Abroad: The Ryan Lochte Story”

In RIO never the less!

I believe every part of that paragraph except the part were the woman wouldn’t go near there. It’s fucking RIO, the cleanest liquid in RIO is urine!

I hate the fucking Gators.

Actually his dream job was White House Press Secretary for Obama, had to settle for the IOC.

Simple solution, cut her balls out.