
All good, except that 10 minutes nagging speech from Felicity right at the middle of the episode

The show was pretty good. The premise allows it to make ask changes in the past relevant and with possible major consequences.

Why did Oliver even kill that guy? "No one can know my secret". What secret?? That the mayor can fight? It's not like he revealed him he was the Green Arrow, that was unnecessary.

The movie is good, but the casting and makeup could have been better.

I rather have Lucas try and do something new than pander to fan service like a lot of sequels and reboots are trying to do. Even Netflix resurrecting old series is fan service that rarely brings anything new.

Man of steel's destruction was so vast, not even corpses were left to mourn

David Duchovny looks a lot like Gary Shandling in that photo, now it makes so much sense he was chosen to play Mulder in the movie within the series.

NBC being NBC

I didn't feel like they attacked Kaepernick, but rather they mocked how the media has portrayed him as disrespectful instead of talking about the motive of his protests

Wasn't he avoiding taxes?

Looks like the Arkham game

This game is like the opposite of God of War. Where GoW would allow you to externalize your anger and scream at everything you kill. This game is relaxing like collecting stamps and walking around wallpapers.Those who were looking for exciting sci fi adventures were disappointed. But yeah, there could be more things

It's so weird how this universe thing is now too big to fail, so they can just keep pushing the Snyderverse despite its stench

i told my new roommate that Adam Sandler movies were forbidden in my house, she said "well you can just leave while i watch them"… anyway, she had to move out.

That's the second movie they ruin and they weren't even involved

His greatest enemy: Zack Snyder

Will they call George Miller to fix the mess?

A wizard did it

Yeah, inception had people in suits in hotels and… Government buildings… And a warehouse…

Just won the Oscar for Best actress. She was Envy Adams in Scott Pilgrim