
Whether Melania is a Serena Joy type or a woman who needs to be “freed”, she’s still the very type of woman that feminism is here for. Selena Joy types have been taught by the patriarchy to subjugate other women in order to have their own freedom, while a woman who needs to be “freed” may be subjected to abuse that

“He was a good looking guy... and a douche.”

Also meant to add this: George and Eric’s friendship survived both of them being married to Patti at different times. After Eric and Patti divorced, he and George used to refer to each other as ex-husbands-in-law. 

Lol “jeans and a nice top” has been my going-out go-to for decades now and YOU WILL NOT TAKE THAT FROM ME!!!!

If you try cutting in line in Canada, anywhere, I will find you, and give you the most withering, silent glare, you have ever seen.

The letter is an acrostic which spells out “RESIST”

Thank You...

I think I’ve figured out the code: If you give a guy a boner, you’re “curvy.” If you don’t, you’re “fat.”

Also, this.

And involves copious amounts of sweat-both boobage and otherwise. Like, I put on a sportsbra as my workout. Then I take it off to cooldown. Then I never exercise again.

#3: Get your second bedroom and enjoy it. Because something that leads to divorce way more often is being so exhausted that everything your spouse does is irritating.

This is freakin genius and nothing less than I would expect from Britain’s penchant for the hilarious+the weird. Whoever is behind this will be making some good films in the future.

The kd lang version is incredible. I’d put it and the Buckely version on the same level. But that might be the Canadian in me.

alright alright alright we all agree that grandpa’s a fucking perv and that LW3 needs to learn a few phone settings, BUT WHERE IS THE THREAD WHERE WE TRY TO GUESS WHAT THE EMAIL ADDRESS IS???

I agree with you.

I read it as ‘unpleasant surprise’ at first. I was all ‘huh, that is surprisingly honest, but good for you Mindy.’. Turns out it is just too later be trying to make sense of words.

Just say “It’s lovely to meet you, can’t wait to get a chance to chat over dinner and see some of Paris”.

I can’t. I can’t make jokes about this, or find it funny, or think “oh jeez THIS guy” or any of that fucking bullshit. Because at the end of the motherfucking day, I am raising my daughter in a world that is REGRESSING instead of PROGRESSING in terms of women’s rights and that makes me fucking sick to my stomach. It

Unless the penis becomes sentient, that doesn’t sound like a comedy.

“I don’t like things other people like so they need to go away!”

neighbour’s garden