Yeah, I think he might. I see this as an erosion of self-control that comes of dealing with mendacious liars (of which the Trump admin has many). I assume that most of them roll their eyes at Spicer hourly. And some shake their heads...
Yeah, I think he might. I see this as an erosion of self-control that comes of dealing with mendacious liars (of which the Trump admin has many). I assume that most of them roll their eyes at Spicer hourly. And some shake their heads...
I look more pregnant 3 months post-partum than she does at 20 weeks along. Let me go eat another brownie in despair and further compound this problem...
They are also so genuinely great with kids and babies on their shows - so many tv personalities are weirdos with kids that it’s genuinely charming to see how much they like them.
All of these exist with the sole purpose of being featured in instagram photoshoots.
I love them. They’re the only watchable design show on HGTV.
They are goofy mfers but I can’t help but love their show. I also usually really like Jonathon’s design aesthetic. I suppose I’ve had too much HGTV in my life.
I briefly met Anne Hathaway ~11-12 years ago, in the lobby of the Trump Tower apartments of all places (I was visiting NYC, had a family member who lived there and her now-known shithead embezzler ex lived there too). I was a huge Princess Diaries fan and I was basically foaming at the mouth.
Rich - thank you for that post script. We are all constantly evolving hopefully for the better, though it may seem like the regressives shout loudest right now. Really appreciate your honesty and humility with this.
Never got the hatred focused on Anne Hathaway? I have always liked her. I have zero problems with her and have pretty much enjoyed all of her movies.
Try to imagine living in a world in which strangers regularly reminded you that a large number of people actively…
I was a stupid kid, I didn’t want to beat him up. In fact, I think at one point I tried to turn it into love play.
Run. fast.
I consider myself a jaded pessimist, but for some bizarre reason I find the two of them charming, and am not even bothered by their hardware commercials.
Who would give up mouth stuff for a (short!) vacation?! (answer: everyone who’s voted so far but me). Are you guys for serious?
Thank you.
Poor Ewan McGregor. He has spoken at length about his bad French accent. It’s quite endearing really that it’s so bad and he’s so aware of it.
At least we know that Donald Trump hates women more than he loves powerful Germans.
I don’t think Donald Trump knows how to sit in a chair.
Why are there no male celeb nude leaks? Who is going to take me inside the Patriots locker room?