
I make the same comparison between Windows and McDonalds. Like McDonalds, everyone likes to trash Windows but everyone uses it.

Gotta love Autocorrect. I once typed a quick email in Outlook telling my friend I'd meet her outside Value City (a furniture retailer).

On the contrary I thought it was a good idea... probably because I'd never thought of it before. In my line of work inspiration often comes from the most unlikely sources and the 'shit' comment wasn't meant to be derogatory - it just encapsulated everything I meant in a succinct manner.

There's always the day when you'll park like an asshole and along comes another you :)

As Queen Marie Antoinette said (In French) "There's nothing new except that which has been forgotten"

I'd print some traffic violation tickets, stick them in a small ziploc bag and glue that to the windshield. Oh sorry NYPD got there first.

And don't forget to superglue the valve cap.

Care to send a transcript?


I would imagine as soon as you post your stuff to a site the site retains rights as part of its T&C to do what it wants with it even though you retain the copyright. I'm not a lawyer by any means but I think that copyright automatically rests with the author without her/him having to do anything. The problem is

"Iron your parents???"

Yeah! The best place to store your passwords and stuff is on your own personal blog; no one ever reads them!

You have your work stolen under the fair use doctrine or whatever it's called. I think you as the author have the least say in what happens to it.

Only slightly related to the story but I was in my bank a couple of months back at the counter and I was listening to the conversation between the woman in her car at the drive up and the teller inside. The woman's conversation was over loudspeakers and was clearly audible to everyone in the bank.

Enough already!!

Can I just ask what you were smoking when you chose your user name? I want some!

Nowhere in this post or in the linked post does it mention the word 'save'. It is not about saving space - it is about making the best use of your space; in this case training the rest of your family that there is more than one way to skin a cat. Admittedly the article should have been entitled "Make the best use of


You can connect a Mac to a Windows homegroup computer like this -