But the more I think about it the more I respect the likes of Ralph Nader and Jill Stein, because at least they stuck through with their campaigns. People collectively just wasted a million dollars.
But the more I think about it the more I respect the likes of Ralph Nader and Jill Stein, because at least they stuck through with their campaigns. People collectively just wasted a million dollars.
I can't blame him for being frustrated, but you're absolutely right.
If only more pop stars had the grace of Fever Ray writing manisfestos and shrouding themselves in masked mysteries.
Nothing about this story will help me laugh away or forget Lessig. Curse you American political machine!!
Don't forget Colbert who educated people about districts and campaign finance law.
Tough truth, doc. People need to develop a local form of media that can override the corporate news and inform themselves about local politics.
I can't imagine anyone in the older iterations of the cast going along with this sort of stunt.
The 40th anniversary special proved to me that SNL has no creative voice anymore because it pandered itself out to the lowest common denominator. The most recent Louie monologue shows that Lorne Michaels can be pressured into allowing danger on stage if the said danger was as respected and popular as C.K.
Brought to you by Rupert Murdoch.
I can't believe that incessant KORAL! KORAL! line-reading is/was allowed, maybe it's a contractual obligation?
AMC is really taking the NBC approach to dumbing down their entire line-up. Morgan's character arc is paired alongside the AMC's promotion for Badlands and Preacher which both look like they are ushering an empty violent, vapid spectacles that are all fight sequences and two-dimensional characters. Daredevil was the…
The meat culture is kind of pathetic just as bad if not worse than ardent veganism, That being said I do think a video of how the animal was murdered should be streamed before every meal is consumed. In the end excessive meat consumption is completely out of kilter to how it was centuries past and these extreme…
Bowie at this point has lost the artistic space race by Scott Walker, but I think Bowie himself realizes this.
Speaking of Only God Forgives, just gave the movie that was directly inspired by and direct by our dear Gosling's Lost River. You could probably make a viral splash podcasting or youtubing about it but I'm not inspired enough to hate on it…especially because it's a movie I could easily have seen myself making. Any…
Av club underrate albums all the time. I think they just want to seperate themselves on metacritic.
That sounds like a perfect show. Their music still would be great together, probably too great. If you strain your ears a bit you can definitely hear some overlaps in musical aesthetic, that being otherworldly folk music.
apple's idler wheel was the first and only album that has captured my attention by her. I also wrote her off as sonically unadventerous but Idler Wheel will change your entire perception of Apple.
Easily the one album from 2015 that has impacted me the most. The moment where I realized that the last song and the first bled together further cementing Newsom's exploration of recusiveness made was pure magic and felt like I was listening to something more special than a bunch of faceless MP3s.
Fuck you, she was far prettier when she was her natural self. Now she just looks like a painted up sex doll wrapped in a merkin.
Damon Albarn wasn't kidding about how middling this material is. I can see a lot of drag queens and people who worship mainstream pop songs enjoying it for about a week, this song and approach to songwriter seems even moldier than anything off of her derivative debut.