
Of Montreal's St Exquisitive Confessions is how I discovered this movie (A song that also helped me discover the Shuggie Otis song Starwberry Letter 23https://www.youtube.com/w…. It wasn't as great as fellow Czech Daisies (not many movies are ) but it's still an essential viewing for anyone who is a fan of surrealism

The album is a decadent treasure, I am currently crushing hard on Miguel but I wonder how long it will last.

Jenny Hval's apocalypse, girl made me a lifelong fan of Hval, she's one of the few truly unique lyricists and sound artist around. I kind of wish she was the voice of Spike Jonze's Her computer.

I really can't stand that A Prairie Home Companion was Altman's last movie. It's like Wes Anderson coughing out a cinematic requiem to Ira Glass, starring Jason Schwartzman as the future aged Ira Glass on his death bed. Or like Paul Thomas Anderson the sequel to Punch Drunk Love as an episode of Radiolab. Or like

Mohd, I used to cringe at the pig piling on you for posting the first comment on every article but now I'm starting to get it.

To amazon's credit they also have the Americans, a quality show I would otherwise have never gotten around to watching. Having a permanent show like Hannibal would be more lucrative than a sitcom acquistion or a drama without a well defined vision.

I don't understand how characters like Okami, Viewtiful Joe and now Baynonetta and Wonder Red are anything other than beloved and the standard of which all game protagonists should be build around.

I would love an Atlus produced Metroid game (Maybe if the Fire Emblem Shin Megami spin-off is a success?) or give the franchise over to Platinum like they did with Star Fox.

Which is also what's wrong with the new It movie.

Why can't we get more films like Peter O' Toole's Ruling Class?

There's no need to be a purist about Sondheim's film adaptations, the PBS versions are sacred tomes that need no further retoolings. I would have actually preferred an equally stylish adaptation like Burton's Todd than that bland all too faithful Into The Woods.

Johnny Depp would have ruined that movie, instead we got the best film Wes Anderson has ever made. So maybe more Directors should try to cast Johnny Depp in things.

DO NOT GOOGLE li’l Church Lady

I have read most of Dick's work so far, I read A Scanner Darkly for the first time last month and can't get over how amazing the ending is, and I'm usually always lukewarm about how a narrative closes.

I'm looking for a book/narrative steeped in historical/religious/artistic imagery like this 3rd season of Hannibal has been. Other than the works of Umberto Eco and Dan Brown if you've been concussed enough times I can't think of anything in a similar vein. Anyone have any suggestions?
Much appreciated!

Feel first, type first and set sights on the next headline first and think about what's said when you're dead.

F-Zero seems loaded with so much potential as a franchise like it doesn't even just have to be a racing game because of the Smash Bros. design. I, and probably countless others, don't know anything about the F-Zero universe and it could be a chance to tell a Sci-Fi story that is different from Pikmin, Starfox and

Isn't that game basically the Chrono Cross sequel debacle all over again? Plus it gave us Crystal, an uninspired character design that was contorted into a talking point the GAMERGATE debate.

Okay AV Club, what is this "more" that consumers should be asking for? Why is it acceptable now to publish a think-piece article after think-piece of moaning about the state of the internal downfall without ever making any attempt to offer a solution or an answer to the flimsily construed rhetoric?