  • “If more research money is available for chocolate studies than for other areas of research, more scientists will do studies on chocolate.”

Nice ten point rant on how it’s you that’s the racist.

OK, Trump. But whatever you are, you are definitely a hate filled nut bag.

I agree with that. It’s kinda like how some people say minorities need quotas and lowered standards to succeed, when what they are really saying is these folks are incapable of success at the same level of whites.

It is truly a shame that this book was necessary, ever. However, things have changed, and to be honest, there are just as many places whites cannot go, for fear of violence from blacks, as the other way around. Probably more so. There will always be racists, unfortunately, just keep in mind, disagreeing with a black

Lol. So you’re a mind reader too? How convenient.

So you’re saying dangerous places are all populated by blacks, eh? Who’s the racist again?

Lol. Another proud racist. Why are leftists so racist?

Clearly, facts are triggering. Not only are they triggering...you are expected to be triggered!

Patrick, just wanted you to know that I enjoy your column. As a righty, I tend to steer clear of some of your sister sites, but whenever I see a new article from you, I read. Your advice is very common sense yet empathetic, and I appreciate your point of view. Thanks for the good work!

Lol. It’s always humorous when the left shows daily how racist they are

Lol. Quite a bit of vitriol over a personal, albeit wrong, opinion.

I like it. It’s almost identical to real coke with spiced rum, and it doesn’t mess with my stomach like other diet soda.

Eh, so this lady is a jerk. Kinda like the people that come to America and refuse to assimilate.

Lol. I’d love to hear you say that to immigrants.

Some of the best sex I’ve had is with a recently broken up with ex.

For some strange reason, all the recent reviewers say this unit is a POS.

For some strange reason, all the recent reviewers say this unit is a POS.

Why is it, that for every post by a leftist, almost every post replying negatively to it, is deleted within minutes? The only explanation is leftists are incapable of winning a fair argument.

Why is it, that for every post by a leftist, almost every post replying negatively to it, is deleted within minutes? The only explanation is leftists are incapable of winning a fair argument.

Why is it, that for every post by a leftist, almost every post replying negatively to it, is deleted within minutes? The only explanation is leftists are incapable of winning a fair argument.