
Perfect hire for Breitbart.

Most days, I really hate humans.

I think there are two things to consider with any Trump appointment.

Do you really think donnie would hire someone who would say no?

From a German news magazine.

Saw Fleetwood Mac in 1978. Still the best concert I’ve ever seen. Coming from someone who was never a huge fan of the group.

What do you mean? There are grey suits along with the black suits.

This might be the craziest thing he’s said so far.

If you have a dog, you have everything you need:)

Donald Trump

That’s one of the funniest gifs I’ve ever seen.


Now Flynn and his son can spend all their time on Pizzagate.

Kellyanne Conway, a key counsellor to Trump, declared that Flynn had the “full confidence” of the president. Sadly, it turned out that Michael Flynn was the mastermind behind the Bowling Green massacre.

So fear then?

Love trolling the knuckle draggers over there. I usually get banned.

The Germans have a word: “Backpfiefengesicht”

I’ve met him. He is a genuine, decent man and every bit of praise is deserved.