
Get off social media and get out in the streets. Protest and march until they are shaking in the halls of Congress.

Arizona Republic received death threats after endorsing Clinton. This is a photo of the Republics Dan Bolles car after he died in an explosion in 1976. Some of the threats invoked this incident.

They’re not re-opening anything, they’re looking.

Sad story, a light that burned too brightly.

Clinton did it: Wikileaks.

Trump does not make the best deals.

Dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The Heritage Classic outdoor game from Winnipeg against the Oilers.

Trump will click his heels together 5 times while tweeting ‘radical Islam’, and ISIS will scatter to the wind.

Beautiful eyes.....The dog I mean.

I read that the New Mexico GOP in Albuquerque were mailing out flyers threatening to expose those who vote Clinton. (I know, they have no realistic way of doing that)

No, what makes someone an asshole is turning a fun comment section into Trudeau bashing, asshole.

Fuck off asshole. If I want to see Trudeau bashing I’ll visit the comment section on CBC.

Now playing

Compare this to how Suarez and Messi and Neymar reacted to the same situation.

I’m sure Melania is on the clock at all times.

Love the face palm at 2:30

Bye Mom

what’s a map?