Thanks. But to be honest, as long as it has a cloaca, I'm interested.
Thanks. But to be honest, as long as it has a cloaca, I'm interested.
Is a turtle a reptile or amphibian… I may be a toad, but I'm asking for a friend.
'and I'm glad to see it's an actual cat and not that crappy puppet' - Colonel Gentleman, 2016.
Well that would be both ludicrously tragic and tragically ludicrous.
That certainly does suck ass.
Well that's true too.
Let's hope so.
Rosario Dawson is hotter than an iron left on in a sauna in this movie.
'Do, or do not. There is no try' - Chairman Mao in the Chinese version of Star Wars.
LeBron had heart, but Green had a foot to the groin…
You'll be sirloinly if all you do is make meat puns.
And I imagine the amount of work they had to do to get here would be the same as if they'd just asked all these directors for their own 24 hours anyway.
When sean Connery says he'll tear that guys head from his shoulders in the offence, I don't think he's acting.
Lake Seldom and Frigid Falls had already been taken.
I think they're too busy being 'the I.T. guy' of the crew to be killed right away.
Thats a hell of a stew we got going on.
Yeah. It does seem a bit 'porno with the sex cut out'