Jasper Sapien.

Can we get Matt damon to play James Hongs part? That ought to drum up some interest, I mean outrage…


I saw it at a theatre with those shaky chairs which move with the action. People left feeling seasick.

Watched this on a plane a couple of weeks ago. Not bad.

Cool, thanks a lot.

this often happens with documentaries, anyone know why the 'theatre to home' turnaround is so quick?

I'll go to watch it, I hurt my leg running, and need something to do while it is swelling. It's a good movie for the knee grow.

It was called 'don't Knox it 'till you've tried it'

There's also the idea that a totalitarian education system stifles the curiosity out of students. The result is students who have enormous retention of knowledge, but poor application. Or scientists very capable of copying ideas but terrible at innovation (see china, particularly).

Think it's more disappointment that it didn't even reach the lowered expectations it had before airing.

That show had some great characters, and some great names too.

Was the article titled '6 secrets about zootopia those fat cats in Washington don't want you to know'? Because I read that one too.

I have an uncle who is as blustery as Orpheus, but his kids think he's hilarious.

He also married one of marge's sisters, if I recall my disappointment correctly.

Rusty venture with his own dad. Followed by
Rusty making the exact opposite mistakes with his own kids.

Good question. October is a big holiday in china, they night want a part of that filthy money

Poor italian guy. But get out of there before it ruins you.

How many cats are we talking?

Tell you what too, he's rocking some huge calf muscles in do the right thing.

And… is he going to get out of a car crash and drink a bud in this one?