Jasper Sapien.

OK, maybe you can help me HockeyMike. In the original PotA, they crash land, look at the token woman who didn't survive, and then look at the ships year gauge, which says about 2717 (or something like that)- and then they talk for a while that they are on earth. Why, then, at the end, is he so surprised to be on

They make the Norweigans build the wall, and Quimby says something like 'We'll get them to build the wall because they're good at it, and then those good-for-nothings will stay away.' It was… good.

That will really give the Sambuca I already put in there a real kick.

Correction, depressing pretentious piece of slog.

I once dangled a French child over a lion enclosure because he was throwing rocks at the cubs, this was in a zoo. Also, if anyone sends you a video which has the words 'live whale shark' and 'two-man saw' in it you punch them right in their mouth.

Yeah! people bought them after that where I was in Australia, then wondered why they stunk and shed so much. People are dicks.

Won't someone PLEASE think of the younglings?

He's fighting an endless battle over sunglasses until this happens.

Ladies pinch, whores use rogue one.

Who would have thought I'd miss a hand so much?

My recollection is that it was revealed in the pilot, then never again, but I was so junked up on disco music and amyl that I can't be trusted.

Malcolm in the mid life crisis.

Off handed? How did you know I just lost a hand? You monster!

Minor strokes? We called that jerking it when I was younger. And still had hair….

You're Malcolm me sick.

It does. My family calls it Lilyput.

The Rusty lake series is similar to the room, but creepier and it's free.

Is that the one with the trip through the Louvre? That's a great scene.

Yarr! Now they'll be theorizin' for hours.

That must have been very hard on the artists.