
Oh my God! You are right! It was in the episode Monday.

I know, right? I can’t wait for it to start while simultaneously dreading the whole thing.

Me too! Elspeth was awesome and of course, so is Tatiana Maslany. But I first became acquainted with Carrie Preston in Law & Order Criminal Intent. She was in three: Zoonotic, Magnificant, and Bedfellows. You should check them out. She is pretty great.

Agreed! I am from the Toledo area, which is reliably blue.

You are some sort of wizard. 

Just no. 

Ohio wants to charge women who have abortions and the doctors who perform them with murder:

Kennedy is dirty, dirty, dirty:

Someone stole a fountain? Jesus

Hahahahaha. It was the first thing I thought of. 

Hahahahahahahahahaha. Oh man, I needed that.

Even The Onion gave up:

Hardwick is gross pig. What the hell is the matter with people?

Donald Trump is a goddamn fucking imbecile as are his supporters. We will be lucky if we survive as a country because of this motherfucker.

Me too! I just love her!

I rarely answer the door and never answer it if I am alone at home.

My mom stopped reading For Better or Worse after their dog died. She was SO upset. I never liked it myself.

Yes, this^ I live in Denver and there are dogs everywhere. I saw one nice puppy in the grocery store yesterday. I wanted to pet him/her but I didn’t know if he/she was working. I didn’t see a vest or anything. So who knows? I know my dog would have eaten any low-hanging food in the grocery store had I brought him in

Yes! Me too! I was just coming here to say that!

She is painfully stupid. Just stop Tomi. Stop.