
I didn’t mean to post twice.

Erotic City is my favorite Prince song.

Under the Banner of Heaven was a fantastic book! I can’t give it enough stars.

My Catholic grandmother was told by her priest back in the 1930s that the divorce from my grandfather was her fault even though he drank and beat both my mom and her up. My grandmother told this guy to Fuck off in so many words and I believe excommunication was threatened. She had a Catholic funeral though so I don’t

Even regular deer scare me. I used to live next to a wild life preserve and have heard them growl. Nope. Nope. Nope. I will admire them from afar, preferably upwind and through a window.

I know! Dixie Carter was a fantastic actress. She was a Republican in real life but played a fire breathing liberal on the show.

Yes he did. Biden is a scumbag. I don’t care that he is Obama’s vice president. I am glad he did not run for president because I would have, for the first time in my life, not voted in a presidential election.

You have to watch and find out! Or read the books. I read the first two and started the third. I loved them so much I read them very, very slowly because I didn’t want them to end.

I just watched the finale and that was a bunch of shit. I liked Abby and Crane together. It is time to put this show out of its misery.

I’m almost 51 and am focused on making the perfect mojito.

I went to journalism school and a week or two before I graduated a visiting professor told the senior-level class I was in that we were terrible and would never get hired. This was in 1992 before the internet. Fuck that guy.

I had a newspaper when I was her age. I didn’t cover any murders or vandalism though. My town was very boring and nothing happened ever.

I love his fancy paws!

My sister died of SIDS. She was three months old.

Love her. That’s all.

All hail Tilly!

No, he isn’t. I don’t get the hype.

Thank you. I am not sure why people think it is their business to comment on someone else’s life. It’s none of their business.

My husband and I were having drinks at a bar and he got up to go to the bathroom. Some guy came by and tried to pick me up. I said my husband is i the bathroom. This guy said, yeah, but he isn’t here now! I laughed in his face. What the hell?

This happened to me. I worked in a bookstore and this new guy thought he was in love with me. He would write me poetry and then got really upset because I didn’t reciprocate even though I made it clear I was not interested. He started dating another woman who worked at the same place and she started hating me too and