
Maybe it’s Baby’s First Critical Analysis to suggest that Twin Peaks: The Return is an extended meditation on both itself and the original run of episodes, but that’s the most coherent interpretation I have so far. I guess the only insight less piercing than that would be “Dale Cooper symbolically represents the

Picking between 30 Rock and Parks would probably be like picking between one’s own two children.

Parks and Rec is the superior show.

“Matt Besser cradles and protects Ian Roberts. Amy Poehler carries and protects both. This is how it ought to be, despite what your UCB Improv 101 teacher says.”

Man I gotta cut down on coffee

Was this the napkin?

So, can I just rock on back to imported articles and shit firsties everywhere? In the interest of not being totally useless, though, I’ll offer an opinion: Synecdoche, NY really needs to start being considered in the top five of movies ever.

So I09 shit is going to be on the front page now, it seems.

I can’t believe Corky Romano got shafted. It must be a political thing.

Not to mention all the comments that are stuck in “pending” where no one can see them.

Blazing Saddles is the funnier movie, but Young Frankenstein is the better movie.

No animated films except South Park.?

Yeah, plus Blazing Saddles has that scene where everyone eats beans and farts a lot.

“no one wants to see a mash up of Fences and The Six Million Dolllar Man”

How would someone from How Did This Get Made know how to make a good podcast?

Oh, look at that. The little stars upvote.

Nice tongue-in-cheek headline there, folks.